Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Truth in Love (aka A Christian Beat-down)

My marriage (and yours also, for that matter) is not metaphysically big enough to display the entire glory of God's love for us. Because I realize this, I can say both with deep conviction and without abandoning absolute truth that some marriages should be egalitarian and others should be complementarian and we're just all going to have to be ok with that.

An egalitarian marriage gives the world a radically intimate picture of the kind of mutual service and love between its members the church is entreated to share. Equally submissive, equally empowered, equally responsible to God for their share. It's a beautiful thing.

A complementarian marriage gives the world a radically veiled image of the kind of extreme selflessness the all-powerful Christ acted out of in surrendering to the needs of His fully submitted Bride.

Both models are Biblically defensible and supremely beautiful. Those whom God invites to partake in the sacrament are not worthy or capable of bearing the image of God completely or faithfully. We are only asked to do it to the best of our ability and to His glory alone.

So I say again: my marriage (and yours also, for that matter) is not metaphysically big enough to display the entire glory of God's love for us. Because I realize this, I can say both with deep conviction and without abandoning absolute truth that some marriages should be egalitarian and others should be complementarian and we're just all going to have to be ok with that.

Brush off those haters.


Matt Sliger said...

Your gonna have to brush off this hater bro....

Matt Sliger said...

Oh man...bad grammar
You're going to have to brush off this hater, cousin.

Joshua Andrew Smith said...

I only have hugs for you, Joseph Matthew. Only hugs.

Matt Sliger said...

My first question....Can the wonderfully idealistic Josh pen the first sentence of this post?